What is the Future Test Year (FTY) Model?
Learn what the Future Test Year (FTY) Model is, why the utility companies want it, and why you should not! We must stop SB 4 from coming to a vote!
Events happen quickly in Jefferson City, and the lobbyists always lurk in the capitol halls. Help us even the field! Join our text list to get notified when you need to call or visit the capitol to support our conservative agenda.
Want to hear for yourself what is going on in Jefferson City? The links below will allow you to listen live to both the House and Senate when they are in session. The House also has feeds to many committee meetings.
The first step in taking action is being informed. Here you will find the latest news, great podcasters to follow, and other information concerning Missouri Politics.
Learn what the Future Test Year (FTY) Model is, why the utility companies want it, and why you should not! We must stop SB 4 from coming to a vote!
Summary of the Missouri GOP Reorganization meeting and links to the video of it.
ACT4MO looks at the fiscal condition of our state in response to Governor Kehoe’s State of the State Address.
On Wednesday, Governor Kehoe delivered his State of the State address, highlighting proposals like the “Safer Missouri”
initiative, eliminating income tax, & investing in education & infrastructure.
For the week of Feb 10th, these are the current action items for the Missouri Senate that we need to call on.
Email Gov. Kehoe and ask him to appoint Tim Baker as Franklin County Presiding Commissioner.
A lot of citizens find communicating with their government intimidating. It doesn’t need to be this way. Below is a short video that shows just how easy it is to submit online testimony for Missouri House legislation.
Sparks supports IP reform and pledges to decentralize power in the Missouri House. He aims to implement ethical practices and hold the government accountable, earning Act4Mo’s endorsement for Speaker.
Justin Sparks is the Speaker we need. Sign the online petition, share the message on social media, and donate to fuel his vision for change.
A group of conservative-minded people who seek to serve God, our country, and our community!
Meets on the third Monday of the Month at the Johnson County Fairgrounds!
We The People of Cass County MO exists to promote a return to true conservatism by: * Educating ourselves and others on the principles of real conservatism * Working to see real conservatives elected or appointed to every available position in Cass county and beyond * Partnering with likeminded groups to increase our reach, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Jodi Grace Ministries is a Christian faith-based non-profit organization that’s financially supported by contributions from friends and partners of our ministry.
Through the calling God gave to Jodi, Jodi Grace Ministries exists to serve Christ-followers in Missouri by inspiring, educating and equipping them for activation in order to create community, steward freedom and affect change in our culture.
Heritage Action was founded in 2010 and is armed with the research and policies of The Heritage Foundation.
Our mission is to fight for conservative policies in Washington, D.C. and in state capitals across the country. We turn ideas into bills and bills into law.
The Freedom Principle MO is an America-First, Missouri-First, pro-Constitution membership-based 501(c)4 organization promoting political action, engaging in legislation, and supporting elected officials who defend and define their actions by the fundamental rules and rights of our Constitutional Republic, as codified by our Founding Fathers and given to us by God.
Act for Missouri is a resource for Missouri Conservatives who are looking for information on how they can get involved. This resource is for Missourians who:
This site is not directly affiliated with any group or candidate but does promote those groups, causes, and candidates that support the ideals, causes, and values described above.