URGENT UPDATE (Wednesday May 15th, 2024)
Senator Coleman motioned to send her bill SJR 74 to conference. Nine Republicans voted with the Democrats to send SJR 74 to conference instead of voting it up or down!

Senator Rick Bratton went on the floor of the Senate and expressed the anger that we all feel right now!
We were one Senator short from have the 10 needed to break the Democrats filibuster and pass SJR 74!
Below are the hold outs, please call them NOW and tell them to join the PQ and pass the House Substitute for SJR 74 TODAY!
Rowden 573-751-3931
Bean 573-751-4843
Bernskoetter 573-751-2076
Brown (16) 573-751-5713
Cierpiot 573-751-1464
Eslinger 573-751-1882
Gannon 573-751-4008
Hough 573-751-1311

Update (Monday May 13th, 2024)
The Senate is scheduled to bring SJR 74 back to the floor at 2 pm today! This may be our last chance to get meaningful IP Reform. It vital that we generate as many calls as possible to Senate Leadership and to all the Republican Senators. We must make it clear that we want SJR 74 passed today! Please STRESS that we want SJR 74 passed and NOT HJR 86 which they may try to substitude for SJR 74. Read below why we do NOT want that.
If they fail to pass SJR 74 there will be little chance of keeping Missouri a Prolife State!
What happened With SJR 74 Thursday Night?
Thursday evening, after the approval of the last budget bill, Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman moved that the House Substitute for SJR 74 be taken up for 3rd reading and final passage. The Democrats immediately began a filibuster. At that point, Senator Coleman withdrew her motion.
Does this mean that IP Reform is dead? Not necessarily, as Jodi Widhalm (aka Jodi Grace) pointed out on her Facebook Feed. Procedurally, Senator Coleman made the correct move because, appearly, there were not ten Senators willing to sign on to a PQ to break the Democrat’s filibuster and pass the bill. Because Senator Coleman withdrew her motion, the bill remains at the top of the formal calendar, so it must be dealt with before they can act on any other calendar items. Please check out Jodi’s post. She goes much more in-depth and provides insight into what might be happening behind the scenes.
The Dirty Tricks Begin!
The RINOs apparently plan to pass HJR 86 instead of SJR 74. The problem with HJR 86 is that it is unconstitutional (it attempts to modify both Articles III and XII, thus violating the single subject requirement,) and it is unlikely that voters will approve it regardless. The Senator pushing for this knows that, and it would allow them to say that they passed “IP Reform” and keep their special interest donors happy when it ultimately fails.
Action to Save SJR 74!
Please at least contact the following Senators:
Senator Curtis Trent 573-751-1503
Majority Floor Leader Cindy O’Laughlin 573-751-7985
Senate President Pro Tem Caleb Rowden 573-751-3931
Tell them to drop their support for the unconstitutional HJR 86 and PASS SJR 74.
If you can do more call all the Republican Senators and Tell them to Pass Real IP Reform, PASS SJR 74!
More information:
Jodi Widhalm’s Facebook Message: