Calvin Coolidge Quote

Vernon County Republicans Silenced

Support Vernon County!

The Credentials Committee has disqualified the Vernon County delegates and alternates for the 4 Congressional District from attending the April 6th convention.

Support the Missouri Freedom Caucus Four!

We Support the Freedom Caucus

We the People of Johnson County issues a followup letter to Senators and the Legislative Ethics Committee to REINSTATE OUR JOHNSON COUNTY AND FREEDOM CAUCUS SENATORS.

Support HB 1650

Legislative Alert

Representative Mazzie Christensen’s HB 1650 bill would prevent children from being exposed to Drag Queen performances.

Support Decline To Sign

Decline to Sign

Join the Decline to Sign effort! If you are in the Warrensburg and Knob Noster Area, we need your help. Dems plan to collect signatures for the Women’s Reproductive Health Petition next week.

Legislative Transparency in the Government

Currently, Committees aren't required to publicly post substitute bills when first presented to a committee. Holly Jones is working for Legislative Transparency.

Currently, House subcommittees are not required to publicly post substitute bills when first presented to a committee. Rep. Holly Jones is trying to change that. She is working to require that all substitute bills be made public when submitted to a committee.

Call to Action! IP Reform Update and Action Plan!

Legislative Alert Act4MO IP Update_

Meaningful IP reform is critical for Missouri. Without it, we will continue to see the left abuse our weak constitutional protections to add the right to abortion, rank-choice-voting, and who knows what other horrors may follow.

Call to Action! Support Real Education Freedom!

Support MO SB 814

Senator Jill Carter’s bill SB 814 establishes the “Education Freedom Act.” The act modifies provisions relating to the statewide assessment system, school accountability report cards, and the powers and duties of the State Board of Education.

Protect Children from Drag Queen Shows

Legislative Alert

The Special Committee on Public Policy is holding a hearing tomorrow on HB 1650 Sponsored by Representative Mazzie Christensen to protect our children from Drag Queen shows.