Sign the Vernon County Open Letter
As you may have heard, Vernon County has been stripped of its Delegates for a minor error that was self-reported and corrected. Other counties were given the chance to correct similar situations, but Vernon County was not.
Please read the open letter in the link below, and if you believe that the people of Vernon County should have their voices restored, I hope you will add your name to it. If the Establishment GOP can silence the people of Vernon County’s voice, then they can silence your voice too.
Vernon County Republicans Silenced
The Credentials Committee has disqualified the Vernon County delegates and alternates for the 4 Congressional District from attending the April 6th convention.
Caleb Rowden Drops Out of Secretary of State Race!
Senate Pro Tem Caleb Rowden announced via X this morning that he no longer seeks to become Missouri’s next Secretary of State.
Drag Queens Want Children at Shows
Hearing for HB 1650 Several Drag performers appeared in full costume for the hearing on HB 1650. The bill, sponsered by Representive Mazzie Christensen, would make it a crime for […]
Rowden Votes With Democrats Again!
Senator Bratton introduced an amendment to SB 818 to prevent Schools or Businesses from forcing COVID-19 JABS. Rowden wass the only GOP senator to vote against the amendment.
Arise & Build Podcast E48 from Jodi Grace
In this episode Jodi talks about the just completed Presidental Caucus and about the Data Mining that DESE is doing with our children in Missouri schools. Below are the show notes for this episode.
Parking Lot Podcast #5 from The Missouri Freedom Caucus
Below is the latest Parking Lot Podcast from the Missouri Freedom Caucus. The update this week in Jefferson City. The highlights, this was filing week with candidates offically filing for office.
Draft of the 2024 Missouri GOP Platform
The draft of the 2024 Missouri GOP Platform has been released. The Platform is revised to ensure our guiding principles remain strong, cohesive, and relevant.
The Pro-Growth Group, Club for Growth Foundation Releases Their 2023 Missouri State Economic Scorecard
The Club for Growth Foundation focuses on each lawmaker’s record on votes related to pro-growth policies and calculated an Economic Growth Score on a scale of 0 to 100.
Parking Lot Podcast #4
In the latest Parking Lot Podcast, members of the Missouri Freedom Caucus update us on the Senate passage of SJR 74 and what is next! The main point is they appreciate all the grassroots has done, but we can’t back off. We must keep the pressure on the Leadership!