Calvin Coolidge Quote

Rowden Votes With Democrats Again!

Rowden support forced Jabs votes against Amendent 1 for HB 818

Senator Bratton introduced an amendment to SB 818 to prevent Schools or Businesses from forcing COVID-19 JABS. Rowden wass the only GOP senator to vote against the amendment.

Arise & Build Podcast E48 from Jodi Grace

Arise and Build with Jodi Grace

In this episode Jodi talks about the just completed Presidental Caucus and about the Data Mining that DESE is doing with our children in Missouri schools. Below are the show notes for this episode.

Draft of the 2024 Missouri GOP Platform

Missouri GOP

The draft of the 2024 Missouri GOP Platform has been released. The Platform is revised to ensure our guiding principles remain strong, cohesive, and relevant.

Parking Lot Podcast #4

We Support the Freedom Caucus

In the latest Parking Lot Podcast, members of the Missouri Freedom Caucus update us on the Senate passage of SJR 74 and what is next! The main point is they appreciate all the grassroots has done, but we can’t back off. We must keep the pressure on the Leadership!

Missouri Grassroot Groups Statement on Educational Freedom

Several grassroots groups have raised serious concerns about the substance of the proposed legislation being considered. As a result they have issued a group statement opposing expanding any government funded vouchers, Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, or savings accounts.

Jodi Grace Explains Rightpath PAC


There has been a lot of questions about the Rightpath PAC and who is behind it. To get the answers we need please see Jodi Grace’s blog on the issue below. Be to add Jodi Grace to your reading list and check out all her great resources. No one is more informed on Missouri Government than Jodi, and she is covers it from a Christian perspective.

Take Back Missouri Rally

Rally to Take Back Missouri

Here is the full video of the Take Bake Missouri Rally held at the Capitol today. What an amazing day, great speeches from the Missouri Freedom Caucus members and others. Well worth watching and sharing with those who were not able to go!