Calvin Coolidge Quote

Missouri Freedom Caucus Press Release 2/19/2024

We Support the Freedom Caucus

Here is the latest press release from the Missouri Freedom Caucus. They are calling the Senate to pass IP Reform this week. Please call your Senator today and ask them to support SJR 74 to protect our constitution!

Jodi Grace Explains Rightpath PAC


There has been a lot of questions about the Rightpath PAC and who is behind it. To get the answers we need please see Jodi Grace’s blog on the issue below. Be to add Jodi Grace to your reading list and check out all her great resources. No one is more informed on Missouri Government than Jodi, and she is covers it from a Christian perspective.

Support IP Reform! Demand SJR 74 Pass NOW!

Support IP Reform

Please call and email Senators Rowden, O’Laughlin, and Coleman and tell them NO SENATOR SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND THE CHIEFS PARADE UNTIL THEY PASS IP REFORM. If you don’t do your homework you don’t get to play at recess. Same premise. Do your job. Tell them to pass SJR 74 NOW!

Take Back Missouri Rally

Rally to Take Back Missouri

Here is the full video of the Take Bake Missouri Rally held at the Capitol today. What an amazing day, great speeches from the Missouri Freedom Caucus members and others. Well worth watching and sharing with those who were not able to go!

Update from the Missouri Freedom Caucus

We Support the Freedom Caucus

The Missouri Freedom Caucus has already made an impact on the legislative session. Despite being punshished by Senate Leadership for their efforts, IP reform was moved forward! Below is the latest statement from the Missouri Freedom Caucus. Be sure to watch their press conference!


Jodi Grace Ministries

Arise & Build is a place for Missouri believers to gather for INSPIRATION, EDUCATION & ACTIVATION for the purpose of stewarding freedom across the state & building a resilient community. You’ll be encouraged with the Word and equipped with practical tools to make a difference.