Calvin Coolidge Quote

SJR 74 Call to Action Update!

SJR 74 is being held up by House Majority Floor Leader Jon Patterson!

About SJR 74:

The House Substitute Version of SJR 74 added back important provisions that were removed right before the Senate voted on the bill. If the House and Senate pass the House Substitute Version of SJR 74, and the voters agree to it in August, it will raise the bar for changing Missouri’s Constitution right before the November election. SJR 74 would:

  • Use of Concurrent Majority Ratification. This is a two-step process that gives ALL Missourians an equal voice in approving Constitutional amendments.
  • Prohibits non-citizens from voting on ballot initiatives.
  • Prohibits any foreign government or political party from influencing or donating money for a ballot initiative.

For more on SJR 74, click here!

What you can do to help!

  1. Contact Representative Jon Patterson at 573-751-0907 or e-mail him at and tell him to bring House Substite Version of SJR 74 to the floor for a vote. 
  2. Contact your representative and tell them you have had enough of politicians putting special interests above their constituents. Ask them to force Patterson to bring House Substite Version of SJR 74 to the floor!
  3. Read and sign our letter to State Republican Chair Nick Myers asking the State party to censure and ask Patterson resign his leadership position.