Calvin Coolidge Quote

SJR 74 Critical Alert on IP Reform

SJR 74 Protect Life

We’ve to keep the pressure on the Senate leadership. Call & Call again! If we don’t get IP reform passed now, the consequences are truly dire. Pass SJR 74 NOW!

Support Decline To Sign

Decline to Sign

Join the Decline to Sign effort! If you are in the Warrensburg and Knob Noster Area, we need your help. Dems plan to collect signatures for the Women’s Reproductive Health Petition next week.

Coalition Life March on the Arch

Coalition Life March on the Arch

Join us for March on the Arch, the largest pro-life march in the Midwest! We will be marching through the streets of St. Louis & concluding at the Gateway Arch.

Jodi Grace Explains Rightpath PAC


There has been a lot of questions about the Rightpath PAC and who is behind it. To get the answers we need please see Jodi Grace’s blog on the issue below. Be to add Jodi Grace to your reading list and check out all her great resources. No one is more informed on Missouri Government than Jodi, and she is covers it from a Christian perspective.