While the election on Tuesday brought us some significant victories, the one loss that overshadows all the others is the passing of Amendment 3. We must examine our campaign against the amendment and analyze all aspects. We must learn what we did that was effective and where we could have done better. This article provides an analysis of Amendment 3 election results so we can learn from the election data. The data was obtained from the Missouri Secretary of State’s website, and all 114 counties plus the Kansas City and St. Louis areas were examined.
Seven counties plus Great Kansas City and St. Louis voted to approve Amendment 3 (Boone, Buchanan, Clay, Jackson, Kansas City, Platte, St. Charles, St. Louis, St. Louis City). Four of the nine (Boone, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Louis City) also supported Kamala Harris over President Trump. Only 8% of the counties in the state supported the Amendment. Looking at Kansas City and St. Louis is even more telling. If just those two population areas are removed, it shows the measure would have failed.

Not surprisingly, the counties that supported Kamala Harris over Donald Trump also supported Amendment 3 by wide margins. There was a near-perfect correlation (0.997 Pearson correlation coefficient) between votes for Harris and supporting Amendment 3.

I also wanted to address the rumors that a substantial number of ballots were cast that only had votes for Amendment 3. To examine this, I compared the total votes in the Presidential Race vs the total Amendment 3 votes. There were 19,871 more votes in the Presidential Race than cast on the Amendment 3 question. Looking at the nine counties that voted to approve Amendment 3, there were similar numbers of votes in the presidential race.

While it is not possible to rule out ballots that were cast for only Amendment 3, these results show that it was not a significant factor in the results.
From the beginning it was clear the Greater Kansas City and St. Louis areas would determine whether Amendment 3 passed or failed. As this analysis confirms, without those two regions, Amendment 3 would have failed. It should also be known that those two geographic areas are NOT under the supervision or jurisdiction of the Secretary of State! Their elections are completely run and governed by what is called a “Board of Election Commissioners.” These boards were established by the State Legislator and can be found in RMSo 115.027 and 115.029. This should terrify every citizen of Missouri! Two areas that are outside State control can change the State Constitution against the will of the rest of the state. The Billionaire class has realized this and that is exactly how they were able to pass Amendment 3.
Do not for a second think that this is the last time they will use this against the people of Missouri. Michael Bloomberg gave a million dollars in support of Amendment 3. That is the same Michael Bloomberg that has made it his life’s mission to destroy the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. See his “Every town for Gun Safety” for more on far reaching his plans are. We have to know he and others of his kind will be back soon to go after our Gun rights.
But it will not stop there if we don’t take action now. All the worst of the Socialist/Marxist radical left policies could be rammed into our State Constitution and the election of Donald Trump will have NO effect on this. Any of our rights are at risk of being attacked. This is the tyranny of the majority! As Pierre-Joseph Proudhon stated, “Democracy is nothing but the Tyranny of Majorities, the most abominable tyranny of all, for it is not based on the authority of a religion, not upon the nobility of a race, not on the merits of talents and of riches. It merely rests upon numbers and hides behind the name of the people.”
Our founders established us as a Republic for this very reason. It is time for the State of Missouri to once and for all put an end to the ability of out of State Billionaires and Special Interests to impose their leftist desires on the citizens of Missouri. We must demand that our state legislature:
- Pass true and meaningful Initiation Petition Reform!
- Repeal RMSo 115.027 and 115.029 and return control of our two biggest population centers elections to the Secretary of State.
The future of our rights in the state of Missouri is at stake and there should be no higher priority in the upcoming legislative session.