SJR 74 Update and Call to Action!
It has been a battle to get meaningful IP reform passed this term. We can still get it done, but SJR 74 needs our support to get it over the finish line.
HJR 104
HJR 104 Modifies constitutional provisions about elections and voting.
Open Letter of Support for Vernon County
Rowden Votes With Democrats Again!
Senator Bratton introduced an amendment to SB 818 to prevent Schools or Businesses from forcing COVID-19 JABS. Rowden wass the only GOP senator to vote against the amendment.
Arise & Build Podcast E48 from Jodi Grace
In this episode Jodi talks about the just completed Presidental Caucus and about the Data Mining that DESE is doing with our children in Missouri schools. Below are the show notes for this episode.
Jodi Grace Explains Rightpath PAC
There has been a lot of questions about the Rightpath PAC and who is behind it. To get the answers we need please see Jodi Grace’s blog on the issue below. Be to add Jodi Grace to your reading list and check out all her great resources. No one is more informed on Missouri Government than Jodi, and she is covers it from a Christian perspective.