Stop Rank-Choice Voting – Support SJR 78
You know the story.
Left-wing radicals and their foreign-funded dark money groups have targeted Missouri for years.
They know Missourians won’t vote for their crazy candidates and it drives them nuts.
That’s why they keep trying to change the rules.
They tried ranked-choice voting.
They tried approval voting.
They even tried freedom voting.
Whatever they call it – we know what it really means: RIGGED-CHOICE VOTING.
From Families for Home Education
FHE is opposing the MO Scholars Expansion bills that will be heard in the House Special Committee on Education Reform, Monday, February 12, 2024, at 1 PM in the Joint Hearing room (117). If you agree with us, please call or email today.
Call to Action on MO – RCV – SJR 78
The Left has already spent more than $6.8 million in Missouri to institute a confusing voting scheme that disenfranchises the people – Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). Fortunately, there is an effort that would stop RCV in its tracks.
Call to Action
Should your voice be heard, even when you can’t make it in-person to the Missouri Capitol?
Watch this video Senator Mike Moon posted on Facebook.
Two Emails You Can Send to Help Save the Missouri Constitution
Here’s how you can contribute to this effort by sending two emails:
(1) Send Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman and email thanking her for her willingness to compromise and change congressional districts for state House districts. Tell her how important it is to you to make sure the voices of rural Missourians are heard by using state House districts.
(2) Email the members of the Freedom Caucus and thank them for standing strong and insisting on Concurrent Majority Ratification with state House districts.
Rick Brattin
Jill Carter
Bill Eigel
Denny Hoskins
Andrew Koenig
Nick Schroer
Act for Missouri Helps Johnson County Conservatives Voice Their Support for the Freedom Caucus Four!
On January 23rd, Senate President Pro Tem Caleb Rowden stripped Senators Bill Eigel, Rick Brattin, Denny Hoskins, and Andrew Koenig of their committee chairs, took their parking spots, and cut their office budgets. This retaliatory move was made by Senate Pro Tem Caleb Rowden and Majority Leader Cindy O’Laughlin against these four Missouri Freedom Caucus members. What was their crime? They are fighting for Initiative Petition Reform to protect the unborn, prevent rank-choice voting, and other proposals from radical leftist groups wanting to permanently change our State Constitution.
Many Counties’ Republican Central Committees have issued letters of support, as have many Republican Clubs and Organizations, including We The People of Johnson County. The Johnson County Republican Central Committee decided not to issue a letter of support for the Freedom Caucus Senators involved, which includes their own Senator Rick Brattin and Senator Denny Hoskins, who is a resident of Johnson County. Since the voices of so many Johnson County residents are not being represented, below is an opportunity for the Conservative Johnson County residents to voice their support for these courageous Senators. We offer the simple proclamation of support below. If you are a resident of Johnson County, Missouri, and wish to send your support, add your name below. The Proclamation will be open for signing until February 12th, 2024.