Calvin Coolidge Quote

Support HB 1650

Legislative Alert

Representative Mazzie Christensen’s HB 1650 bill would prevent children from being exposed to Drag Queen performances.

HB 1650 House Bills

HB 1650 defines “adult cabaret performance” and creates the offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance, which is a class A misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for a second or subsequent offense. A person commits the offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance if the performance is on public property or is in a location where the performance could be viewed by a child.

Drag Queens Want Children at Shows

Hearing for HB 1650 Several Drag performers appeared in full costume for the hearing on HB 1650. The bill, sponsered by Representive Mazzie Christensen, would make it a crime for […]

Protect Children from Drag Queen Shows

Legislative Alert

The Special Committee on Public Policy is holding a hearing tomorrow on HB 1650 Sponsored by Representative Mazzie Christensen to protect our children from Drag Queen shows. 

Call to the Capitol!

Call to the Capitols 4-13-2024

Liberty Link Missouri recommends attending the Esther Call to the Capitol – Don’t Mess With Our Kids event on Saturday, April 13 in Jefferson City, Missouri.