Calvin Coolidge Quote

ACT4MO.ORG Action Items and Updates

Weekly Update

ACT4MO.ORG is changing our weekly format starting this week. We will now focus on legislation that needs our attention until the end of the session. Then, we will provide information about the candidates running in Missouri (More on that below.) As you can see from the length of this update, there is a lot of work to complete in the few legislative sessions left!

ACT4MO.ORG Legislative Action Items:

Breaking News from ACT4MO.ORG
IP Reform has PASSED the House by a vote of 102 to 49! Now back the Senate!

SJR 74 IP Reform

Patterson is still holding this bill up. We are hearing that Patterson may bring up the Senate version of the bill that does NOT have the fixes that the House Substitute included. Those changes are vital to getting real IP Reform. Those key provisions are:

  • Use of Concurrent Majority Ratification. This two-step process gives ALL Missourians an equal voice in approving Constitutional amendments.
  • Prohibits non-citizens from voting on ballot initiatives.
  • Prohibits any foreign government or political party from influencing or donating money for a ballot initiative.

SJR 74 Call to Action – Act for Missouri (

We need to keep calling House Majority Floor Leader Patterson, and it is time for the State GOP to take action against Patterson. He has a history of fighting against our conservative legislation, even when it is in our Party Platform. If you want to sign our open letter to the Chair of the Missouri Republican Party, Nick Myers, click here!

HB 1650

HB 1650 is Representative Christensen’s bill that defines drag performances as “Adult Cabaret Performances” and prevents children from attending these shows. This bill is in real danger of dying from inaction. It is waiting for House Majority Floor Leader Patterson or Speaker Plocher to assign it to the Rules Committee.

Call to Action: Contact Majority Leader Patterson Jon Patterson at 573-751-0907 or email him at and Speaker Plocher at 573-751-1544 or email him at and tell them to assign HB 1650 to the Rules Committee.

SB 735

Eigel’s Gold and Silver Bill got 17 yes to 13 no on a second read vote on 4/18/2024. This bill needed 18 votes to pass the final read. Interestingly, Mary Elisabeth Coleman asked Bill Eigel to co-sponsor the bill. She said she loved the bill and had a similar bill last session. Eigel agreed. She and others proposed amendments, but when it came time to vote for the bill, four Republicans voted against it, and four didn’t vote. Among those who didn’t vote was Mary Elisabeth Coleman! We will need one more vote in the Senate, so we need to call our senators and ensure they are on board.

Jim Pelis has recommended the following action in support of SB 735:

  1. We had one Democrat, Karla May, vote YES! Call and thank her for her YES vote, and let her know you are looking forward to her YES vote on the third read.


  • Mary Elizabeth Coleman co-sponsored the bill during debate, but was not present for the vote. Call/Email her, thank her for her co-sponsorship, and let her know you are looking forward to her YES vote on the third read.


  • Lincoln Hough voted for SB100 last year but was absent for the vote on SB735. Why? Does he no longer support gold/silver as legal tender?


  • Call/Email the Republicans who voted YES on SB100 last year but voted NO on SB735 last week. Ask them why they voted no and encourage them to vote yes on the third read.

Mike Bernskoetter


Justin Brown


Elaine Gannon


SB 814

SB 814 is Jill Carter’s Education Freedom Act. This bill has had no action since January 23rd, when the Senate Education and Workforce Development Committee Voted it “Do Pass.”

Action: Contact Senator Curtis Trent at 573-751-1503 or email at (

and President Pro Tem Senator Caleb Rowden at 573-751-3931 or email at (

Tell them that this bill has no opposition, so let’s move forward for a vote!

Other ACT4MO.ORG Calls for Action:

The Vernon County Republicans continue its fight to bring integrity to our Missouri Republican Party by ensuring that those running with the Party label are indeed Republicans. The latest update is on the court fight over whether candidates who refused to be vetted as required by the Vernon County Republicans will be allowed on the ballot as Republicans.

As a recap, the Vernon County Clerk was informed by the Vernon County Republican Central Committee not to put any candidate on the ballot as a Republican unless she received notice from the Committee that they approved. The Clerk ignored the order and placed six candidates on the ballot as Republicans, which the Committee had not approved. In an initial ruling, a Judge ruled that the Clerk had to remove the candidates. Rather than obey the judge’s order, she contacted the County Attorney to fight the order. A hearing has been scheduled for May 7th.

This case comes down to this question: who gets to decide who the candidates are? Does the State or County government have the right to tell us Republicans who are candidates can be? Their fight goes beyond Vernon County, and this case can set a precedent for all the counties in the State. We, Republicans, should be able to say who can run under our party label.

Here is how you can help:

Contact the Vernon County Commissioners at 417-448-2505 or by email at

Tell them:

  1. Funding this suit with taxpayer dollars is wrong.
  2. They should be protecting the First Amendment, not financing a rogue clerk.
  3. You fully support the Vernon County Republican Committee’s efforts to repel government intervention in our elections.

Candidate Reviews

The candidates currently included on our website are ones that have captured the attention of grassroots conservative groups. These candidates have actively engaged grassroots groups with their time and support. Most have been vetted. This list is far from comprehensive at this point. We have added a form on our home pages for people to suggest candidates they think deserve consideration. We are forming a committee of grassroots activists from across the State that will review those candidates, and those that the Committee recommends will be included on our website. Our goal is not to endorse candidates but to inform grassroots Conservatives of candidates with a record of supporting our causes.
