Calvin Coolidge Quote

ACT4MO.ORG Update and Action Items (April 30th, 2024)

Weekly Update 4/30/2024

We are down to just 14 days left in this legislative session. We still have the opportunity to get meaningful IP Reform, a Ban on Rank Choice Voting, and a Ban on Abortion on the August ballot and if passed into our State Constitution. These would be tremendous victories for the Conservative Cause in our State.
Our calls have been making a difference. The latest podcast from the Shield Maidens spoke about how all calls from the grassroots were putting pressure on the leadership. It has also been reported that House Majority Floor Leader Patterson was planning to kill SJR 74, but after all the calls, he let go of a vote in the House, and it was passed and sent back to the Senate (Patterson voted against it with the Democrats.) We must keep up, if not increase, our efforts these last few weeks.

Good News!

• We got the House Substitute passed in the House and sent back to the Senate with the provisions we wanted added back in it!
• We got the Senate to pass Senator Eigel’s Gold and Silver Bill SB 735. We hear it will be fast-tracked in the House and has an excellent chance to make it to the Governor’s desk!
• SB 2634, the Defund Planned Parenthood Bill, passed both chambers and is now waiting for the Governor to sign.

Action Items:

SJR 74

Our Top priority continues to be SJR 74. Our next hurdle is to get the House Substitute passed in the Senate. As of this writing, the Missouri Freedom Caucus is filibustering all Senate activities until it is passed. For the latest updates and what actions we need, click here!

SJR 78

If approved by the voters, SJR 78 is a proposed constitutional amendment that modifies various election provisions.

The amendment provides that only citizens of the United States over the age of 18 who are residents of Missouri and of the political subdivision in which they offer to vote are entitled to vote at all elections.
This amendment specifies that all elections shall be by paper ballot or by any mechanical method prescribed by law. Furthermore, voters shall only be entitled to one vote for each issue on the ballot and the same amount of votes for each office as there are seats to be filled at the election. Under no circumstance shall a voter be permitted to cast a ballot in a manner that results in the ranking of candidates for a particular office. (One bad part: This provision does not apply to any nonpartisan municipal election held in a city that had an ordinance in effect as of November 5th, 2024, that permits voters to cast more than a single vote for each issue or candidate on which such voter is eligible to vote.) Despite this, we still need to get this bill passed.

The candidate that receives the greatest number of votes in a political party primary shall be the only candidate for that political party at the general election. The name of such candidate shall be placed on the official ballot at the general election, unless removed or replaced as provided by law. The person receiving the greatest number of votes at the general election shall be declared the winner. This provision does not apply to any nonpartisan municipal election held in a city that had an ordinance in effect as of November 5th, 2024, that requires a preliminary election at which more than one candidate advances to a subsequent election.

Action Item:

Complete the witness form: CLICK HERE!
Select support for this bill. Here is a sample of what to put in the statement:
“I wish to voice my support for the passage of SJR 78. We need to do all we can to ensure the integrity of our elections. We do not want to leave loopholes that might be exploited to allow non-citizens or persons not 18 to vote in our elections.
More importantly, we must ensure that rank-choice voting will never become a reality in Missouri. We have seen it rob the citizens in Alaska of their voice, and we do not want that in our State.
I call upon this committee to pass this bill out so the Citizens of Missouri might ultimately have the ability to vote on it.”

Once you submit, click the verification link in your email to finalize your testimony.

HB 1481 – Bill to return St. Louis Police control to the State.

If anyone saw the news reports out of St. Louis this last week of the chaos that erupted at Washington University and was shocked by it, know that St. Louis is overrun with crime every day. This bill is a step toward bringing back sanity to the City. If you think this is only a St. Louis problem, Kansas City is following the same path and not far behind.
The Transportation, Infrastructure, and Public Safety Committee voted out the bill on 4/25/2024. Senator Rowden is currently holding it up.

Action Item:

Contact Senator Rowden:
Tell him that you want this bill moved to the floor for passage!

Other updates:

Sadly, HB 1650‘s bill to prevent children from attending Drag Shows appears dead. Speaker Plocher has refused to move it to the rules committee so it could move towards a full House vote. With only 14 days remaining in the session, it seems unlikely that even if it were passed in the House, it would have time to be taken up and passed in the Senate. Remember this as Dean Plocher asks for your vote as Secretary of State.

National Day of Prayer

Last but not least. Thursday, May 2nd is the National Day of Prayer. Events are being held at the Capitol in Jefferson City and throughout the State. You can find an event near you by going to this link!
Prayer is our most effective method of bringing about change. We must pray for our leaders and that we are constantly working within God’s plan and will.
“For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.” – 2 Samuel 22:29-31

Please join in prayer from people from around the nation at Noon on Thursday, whether at a gathering or by yourself. Let us ask God for forgiveness, discernment, and strength to be obedient followers of the One True God of the Bible!
