Calvin Coolidge Quote

State Senate Candidates the Grassroot Approves of:

31st Senatorial District: Rick Brattin

Rick Brattin serves as the State Senator for Missouri’s 31st District. He is one of the founders and Chair of the Missouri Freedom Caucus. Before his election to the Missouri Senate, he served as Cass County’s Auditor. He served four terms in the Missouri House of Representatives and built a strong reputation as a proven conservative willing to stand up and fight for Missouri values. He has prioritized defending the Constitution and our God-given rights, including religious liberty. He was a co-founder of the House Conservative Caucus, was a member of the Senate Conservative Caucus, and has consistently worked hard on behalf of commonsense reforms to lower the tax burden, eliminate waste in the budget, and get government out of the way of Missouri’s families and small businesses. Rick believes strongly in the value of public service and has served in the United States Marine Corps as a non-commissioned officer for six years. Rick grew up in Greenwood and graduated from Lee’s Summit High School. He lives in Harrisonville with his wife and five children, and he operates a small construction company and his family farm. Faith is at the core of the Brattin family, and they are faithful, active members of Abundant Life. (From



Mike Moon for Senate!

Mike Moon is currently the State Senator representing the 29th district since 2017. Mike Moon has been a conservative champion for the unborn, gun rights, and government integrity. Mike Moon can be counted on to tell the truth about what is happening at the State Capitol. Anyone who knows Mike Moon knows he is not owned by any group; he does what is best for his district and for the citizens of Missouri.

Moon was born on April 15, 1959, in Springfield, Missouri. He grew up on a farm and attended Evangel University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration. He worked as a sales manager for an industrial supply company and later as a self-employed farmer and rancher. He is married to Denise Moon and has four children and nine grandchildren.

Moon began his political career in 2012 when he ran for the Missouri House of Representatives and won the Republican primary. He served two terms in the House, from 2013 to 2017, and was a member of the Tea Party caucus. He sponsored or co-sponsored several bills that aimed to protect the unborn, regulate immigration, protect gun rights, and oppose federal mandates. He also opposed Medicaid expansion, minimum wage increases, and renewable energy standards.

In 2016, Moon ran for the Missouri Senate and defeated Democrat Al Skalicky by a wide margin. He continued to push our conservative agenda in the Senate, introducing bills that would further protect the unborn, allow concealed carry of firearms without a permit, repeal the state’s prevailing wage law, and prohibit local governments from enacting sanctuary policies. He also has been a hawk for the people over budget and tax.

Mike Moon for Senate!

11st Senatorial District: Joe Nicola

Joe Nicola is a strong Constitutional Conservative. He loves his country and believes it is the greatest country on earth. Joe recognizes the US Constitution as the supreme law of the land and understands that its greatest attribute is that it acknowledges that our rights come from God. This is our strongest protection from a tyrannical government.

Joe Nicola is fiercely pro-life! He believes life begins at conception, and life at all stages should be cherished and protected! Joe wants to fight for election integrity and security, limited government, fiscal responsibility, personal freedom, individual property rights, personal healthcare choice, and education freedom without government strings, and he wants adequate funding for police and fire departments.

“Over the past few years we have seen our freedom and rights eroded. Un-elected bureaucrats and health professionals in partnership with tyrannical politicians have issued mandates to control our lives, destroy our businesses and close down our churches. There are many wolves in sheep clothing. We have enemies both foreign and domestic trying to destroy our nation and our state. I will be faithful to the oath I took many years ago to defend freedom for all our citizens. l will work hard every day to stop fraud, corruption and abuse. The People are the sovereign and the Supreme Law of the land is the US Constitution, which is in danger of becoming obsolete. I am running for Missouri Senate in the 11th District to help protect and preserve all our rights and freedoms.” – Joe Nicola

Hear Joe Nicola speaking to the Jackson County Republican Committee Sept. 25, 2023