Calvin Coolidge Quote

SJR 74 Urgent Call to Action

SJR 74 is now back in the Senate. There are reports that Senate Floor Leader Cindy O’Laughlin plans to bring the FRA tax up ahead of SJR 74. We need to stop her from doing this, if FRA is passed there is a good chance the Senate leadership will then move to adjourn for the rest of the year and SJR 74 will be dead. The Missouri Freedom Caucus has issued the following statement on SJR 74:

This is great news! They are going to filibuster SB 748, the FRA bill, until SJR 74 is passed! Let’s have there back!

Call to Action!

Contact Senator Cindy O’Laughlin:

Call her office at 573-751-7985 or e-mail her at

Tell her we want the House Substitute for SJR 74 brought to the floor and passed before anything else is done.

Here are the Senators that are trying to wait until the last day to deal with IP Reform. We all know that means they will kill it.
