Below are the Senate bills that may come up this week that we need to take action on!
“If you do not want any of this bad legislation to pass, you need to make it known to our conservative Senators that you want them to filibuster any of these bills that you are opposed to. Make sure you emphasize that a no vote is not enough. You want them to filibuster or amend the bill.” – Lisa Pannett
Please understand that our conservative senators can vote no on the bills below, and they can still pass with votes from the RINO’s and the help of the Democrats. So, we need to ask our Conservative Senators to keep these bills from coming to a vote, even if this requires a filibuster.
Utility Bills SB 4, SB5, and SB6
Senator Mike Cierpiot sponsors all three of these bills. They are horrible bills that will lead to much higher utility rates. SB 4 came up for perfection last Tuesday, and after some pushback, he laid it over, placing it back on the informal calendar, meaning it could be brought back up again at any time. All of these bills are calling for allowing Utility Companies to use “Future Test Year (FTY)” modeling in requesting rate increases.
SB4 Modifies and creates new provisions relating to utilities
SB5 Modifies and creates new provisions relating to utilities
SB 6 Modifies and creates new provisions relating to electric utilities
Be sure to tell them how much you dislike raising utility rates!
Overprotection of Election Workers!
Senator Burger’s SB 84 makes it a crime to even alarm an election worker! This bill is based on the US Senate Bill written by Democrat Klobuchar of Minnesota, intending to silence checking into voter fraud. This bill goes far beyond protecting the election worker from harm and is very broadly written. This could lead to any questioning of an election, resulting in criminal charges. It also includes a definition that is too broad for Election Workers.
SB 84 Creates the offense of tampering with an election official
Tell our Senators that our election workers already have sufficient protection, and this bill is a gross overreach!
Bayer Pesticide Labeling
Senator Justin Brown has introduced SB 14, which changes the labeling requirements for pesticides, making them follow Federal regulations, even if they are less rigorous.
SB 14 Creates a provision relating to pesticide labeling requirements
Tell our Senators regulations of this sort should be handled at the state level and written with our citizens in mind.
Water Rights
There is an ongoing effort to create a legal path to export our water. The latest attemps are from SB 29 sponsored by Senator Bean and SB 82 by Senator Burger.
SB 29 Creates provisions relating to water resources
SB 82 Creates provisions relating to water resources
Tell our Senators that our water rights laws are perfect as they are, and we don’t need or WANT them changed.
Protecting Children
Senator Schroer’s (SB 52) and Senator Fitswater’s (SB 44) bills have been combined, and while they have some worthy protections for children, there are a few significant concerns. Before these bills should be perfected, some definitions must be significantly tightened to prevent rogue prosecutors from weaponizing them against good parents. As they are written now, anything that endangers the health, safety, or welfare of a child could include a medical decision, vaccination, or mental health by not affirming gender identity. There is also concern that these bills may establish “thought police” by collecting the names, addresses, and other details for someone who “might” cause a crime.
SB 52 & SB 44 Modifies provisions relating public safety
Please let our Senators know this must be changed before further advancing this legislation.
To Our Conservative Senators that We Need to Contact
Senator Rick Brattin 573-751-2108
Senator Ben Brown 573-751-3678
Senator Jill Carter 573-751-2173
Senator David Gregory 573-751-5568
Senator Brad Hudson 573-751-1882
Senator Mike Moon 573-751-1480
Senator Joe Nicola 573-751-3074
Senator Adam Schnelting 573-751-1141
Senator Nick Schroer 573-751-1282
These are our Conservative Senators. They are most likely to stand with us, but they need to know that these bills must be stopped before coming to a vote—again, even if this requires a filibuster.