Response to the State of the State Address
ACT4MO looks at the fiscal condition of our state in response to Governor Kehoe’s State of the State Address.
Governor Kehoe Outlines His Vision in State of the State Address
On Wednesday, Governor Kehoe delivered his State of the State address, highlighting proposals like the “Safer Missouri”
initiative, eliminating income tax, & investing in education & infrastructure.
Analysis of Amendment 3 Election Results
The passing of Amendment 3 has raised concerns about Missouri’s electoral integrity. With only 8% of counties supporting it, approval depended on Greater Kansas City and St. Louis, allowing out-of-state billionaires to influence our constitution. We must act to protect our rights and demand reforms to safeguard Missouri’s future.
Act4MO Election 2024 Recap and Update
Tuesday marked a pivotal moment in Missouri politics as the Republican Party swept all statewide offices, with Mike Kehoe stepping in as Governor. While we celebrate these victories, the fight for our values continues, especially in light of the disappointing defeat of Amendment 3. Our grassroots movement is stronger than ever, and we have witnessed the emergence of passionate young leaders ready to take action. Join us as we reflect on the lessons learned and prepare for the challenges ahead. Together, we can ensure that our voices are heard in the upcoming legislative session and beyond!
Act4MO applauds the creation of the Article 3 Institute!
Act4MO applauds the creation of the Article 3 Institute!
The Truth About Vetting!
Here is a video Act4MO produced to explain the vetting process.
Nine Cowardly Republican Senators Effectively Kill IP Reform!
Nine Republican Senators voted to support Coleman’s motion to send SJR 74 to conference. With only 2 days left, an agreement will unlikely be reached & passed.
Vernon County Republicans Win Major Court Victory
Vernon County Republicans Win major victor as Judge rules that a Permanent Order in Mandamus be issued to the Vernon County Clerk.
The Plot to Kill the IP Reform Bill SJR 74
The RINOs apparently plan to pass HJR 86 instead of SJR 74. The problem with HJR 86 is that it is unconstitutional and will ultimately fail.
SJR 74 Critical Alert on IP Reform
We’ve to keep the pressure on the Senate leadership. Call & Call again! If we don’t get IP reform passed now, the consequences are truly dire. Pass SJR 74 NOW!