Calvin Coolidge Quote

SJR 74 Critical Alert on IP Reform

SJR 74 Protect Life

We’ve to keep the pressure on the Senate leadership. Call & Call again! If we don’t get IP reform passed now, the consequences are truly dire. Pass SJR 74 NOW!

Protect Missouri Home Schools

Stop or Change SB 727!

SB 727 Must be Significantly Changed or Stopped! Senator Andrew Koenig’s bill, SB 727, has two major problems that put homeschooling and private schools at risk.

Call to Action! IP Reform Update and Action Plan!

Legislative Alert Act4MO IP Update_

Meaningful IP reform is critical for Missouri. Without it, we will continue to see the left abuse our weak constitutional protections to add the right to abortion, rank-choice-voting, and who knows what other horrors may follow.

Call to Action! Support Real Education Freedom!

Support MO SB 814

Senator Jill Carter’s bill SB 814 establishes the “Education Freedom Act.” The act modifies provisions relating to the statewide assessment system, school accountability report cards, and the powers and duties of the State Board of Education.

Rowden Votes With Democrats Again!

Rowden support forced Jabs votes against Amendent 1 for HB 818

Senator Bratton introduced an amendment to SB 818 to prevent Schools or Businesses from forcing COVID-19 JABS. Rowden wass the only GOP senator to vote against the amendment.