Calvin Coolidge Quote

Similar Situations Arising in Both the Missouri House and US Senate

GOP Establishment Leadership Fights

In the wake of recent elections, decisions in the Missouri House and US Senate will shape leadership. Josh Hawley backs the wrong candidate. The GOP pushes Jon Patterson for Speaker despite his terrible record on conservative issues.
Your voice matters! Read on for details!

SJR 74 Critical Alert on IP Reform

SJR 74 Protect Life

We’ve to keep the pressure on the Senate leadership. Call & Call again! If we don’t get IP reform passed now, the consequences are truly dire. Pass SJR 74 NOW!

SB 735 Hearing Scheduled Senate Bills

The House Emerging Isssues Committee will hold a hearing on SB 735 at 2 pm on May 6th.

State your support for SB 735 and ask for it to be passed!

SJR 74 Urgent Call to Action Senate Bills

Cindy O’Laughlin may plan to bring the FRA tax up ahead of SJR 74. We need to stop her from doing this. If she succeeds the Senate may adjourn & IP reform die.