Calvin Coolidge Quote

Nine Cowardly Republican Senators Effectively Kill IP Reform!

Nine Cowardly Republican Senators Effectively Kill IP Reform!

Nine cowardly Republican (in name only) Senators voted to support Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman’s motion to send her bill SJR 74 to conference. With only two days left in the session, an agreement will unlikely be reached and passed in both chambers before Friday at 6 pm.

These nine knew they could not have a NO vote for IP Reform on their record, but they also couldn’t allow meaningful IP reform to pass. Why, you ask? For some, there is no doubt the money they receive from individuals or organizations that oppose IP Reform and want our Constitution to be easy for them to corrupt. Others are no doubt really Democrats. Check the voting records, and you can see which ones below vote with Democrats most often. Whatever the reason, our so-called Super-Majority once again failed to do what it promised the voters of Missouri they would do if given power.

Senator Rick Brattin (31) took the floor just before the vote and expressed the anger that the grassroots activists from across the state are feeling. Here are the nine that failed you, failed the preborn, and should never again get one dollar or, more importantly, one vote from any of us!

Rowden, O’Laughlin, Coleman, Hough, Cierpiot, Crawford, Bean, Bernskoetter, and Eslinger.

These are the Nine that never again get a vote from a Republican again. Not only on this bill but over and over again, they prove that they are unworthy of the title of Republican Senator! Mary Elizabeth Coleman and Lincoln Hough are both asking you for promotions to Statewide Offices. Please remember what they did today when you go into the polls on August 6th. Instead of promoting their betrayal, let’s borrow a phrase from our real President and tell them, “You’re Fired,” and vote against them! The same goes for the other on this list. Let’s make sure they NEVER win another election again!

Caleb Rowden 573-751-3931

Cindy O’Laughlin 573-751-7985

Mary Elizabeth Coleman 573-751-1492

Lincoln Hough 573-751-1311

Mike Cierpiot 573-751-1464

Sandy Crawford 573-751-8793

Jason Bean 573-751-4843

Mike Bernskoetter 573-751-2076

Karla Eslinger 573-751-1882
