Missouri GOP State Convention

This Saturday, May 4th, 2024, the Missouri GOP will hold its State Convention in Springfield, Missouri.
SB 735 Call to Action

SB 735 may be brought to the Senate floor at 4:30 pm today for a final vote. We need to make some calls to push it over the finish line.
Vernon County Vetting Upheld By Court!

Vernon County Vetting Upheld By Court! The judge ordered the Vernon County Clerk to remove candidates from the ballot because the Vernon County Committee did not accept their filing fee.
Caleb Rowden Drops Out of Secretary of State Race!

Senate Pro Tem Caleb Rowden announced via X this morning that he no longer seeks to become Missouri’s next Secretary of State.
Camp Valor Outdoors Meet & Greet With Bill Eigel

Meet the Candidate! U.S. Air Force Veteran. Conservative Leader!
Warrensburg City Council Candidate Forum

Warrensburg City Council Candidate Forum
Belton Candidate Forum: Ballot Issue Discussion & Meet & Greet

Please join the Belton Chamber of Commerce for a casual, free, public event to learn more about the April 2 ballot issue Online Shopping Use Tax and meet the City Council candidates.
Drag Queens Want Children at Shows
Hearing for HB 1650 Several Drag performers appeared in full costume for the hearing on HB 1650. The bill, sponsered by Representive Mazzie Christensen, would make it a crime for […]
Arise & Build Podcast E48 from Jodi Grace

In this episode Jodi talks about the just completed Presidental Caucus and about the Data Mining that DESE is doing with our children in Missouri schools. Below are the show notes for this episode.
Protect the Integrity of Our Elections – Make Sure Only U.S. Citizens Can Vote in Missouri Elections

Protect the Integrity of Our Elections – Make Sure Only U.S. Citizens Can Vote in Missouri Elections. Legislative Alert from Freedom Principle MO