Tuesday marked the end of this election cycle, and we saw some great victories and one crushing defeat.
America Takes Out the Garbage and Sends Donald J. Trump Back to the Whitehouse!

The American people spoke loudly on Tuesday and gave President Trump a landslide victory! The “Too Big to Rig” strategy worked perfectly, with President Trump sweeping every swing state and winning 312 electoral votes and the popular vote!
It is important that every citizen understands that electing Trump does not mean our problems are all solved, it means we have a chance to save the nation. The sleeping giant was awakened, but if we don’t at least stay engaged it will be a short-lived reprieve at best. Our Founders envisioned active and engaged citizens when they called for self-government. “We the People” are the government and we can no longer assume that the people we elect to represent us will actually do so. It is up to us to watch them and make sure they are hearing our voices! This starts at the local level and state level. Act4MO.org will provide you with the information you need to fulfil your civic duties in the year ahead.
Republicans Sweep the Statewide Offices!
As expected, the Republican Party once again will hold all the statewide elected offices.
Mike Kehoe will be the next Governor of Missouri. The question is now, will he govern like a conservative or will our fears be realized and he continues pushing the party and state further to the left. We will get our first indication as we see who he appoints to join his team.
Lieutenant Governor
Dave Wasinger defeated Richard Brown to become our next Lieutenant Governor. Our hope for him is that he will be more active in the State Senate. The Lieutenant Governor is the leader of the Senate and if he uses that position, we could diminish the power of the likely Senate leader Cindy O’Laughlin.
Secretary of State
Former State Senator Denny Hoskins became the first Freedom Caucus Member in the Nation to win a Statewide office! Denny Hoskins has pledged to audit our voter roles as his first order of business. This is welcomed news and tells us he will be an Election Integrity Champion! Denny Hoskins is the most conservative of the statewide officials and he will need our support as he battles for election integrity and keeping pornographic materials out of our libraries.
Attorney General
Andrew Bailey, who was appointed by Governor Parsons to finish the term of Eric Schmit when he became US Senator, won election as Attorney General. Bailey has been actively fighting the overreach of the Biden Administration. We will need Bailey in our fight to stop or at least limit the impact of Amendment 3.
Vivek Malek won as State Treasurer. Malek has made some big promises such as standing up to the “woke agenda” by opposing state investments that adhere to ESG guidelines. He has also proposed requiring students to pass a personal finance course to graduate from Missouri High Schools. Both would be great for the state, and we should support him in these goals.
State House
There will be no change in the balance of power in the State House. Each party flipped a seat, but there was no net change. Jon Patterson will be the next Speaker of the House and Alex Riley will replace him as House Floor Leader. This is the first time in the last five election cycles that the Democrats did not gain seats.
State Senate
The balance of power also remains the same in the State Senate with Republicans maintaining their super majority. Like in the House, the Senate will also see a new leader. Cindy O’Laughlin is expected to become Senate Pro Tem, replacing Caleb Rowden who termed out. The big question is how the departure of Bill Eigel and Denny Hoskins will affect the Senate. Two of our conservative champions won re-election, Rick Brattin and Mike Moon. They will be joined by Adam Schnelting who will take over the 23rd District and Joe Nicole who won in the 11th District. Joe Nicola is a strong conservative and we expect him to be a strong defender of our values.
Amendment 3
The biggest loss was Amendment 3. This is the loss that should have never been. First, the Senate Leadership of Caleb Rowden and Cindy O’Laughlin, did everything they could to delay the Senate taking up meaningful IP Reform and Mary Elizabeth Coleman delivered the death blow by stabbing her Republican colleagues and us in the back at the end of the legislative session.
Governor Parson also shares in the blame, he showed no leadership in the fight to get IP Reform and when it failed to pass in session, he should have called a special session to get it passed.
Secretary of State Ashcroft could have removed it from the ballot for violating the multisubject criteria of the State Constitution, or for not stating what State Laws would be negated by the amendment. He waited until late in the process when Judge Limbaugh ruled just that to attempt to remove it. Had he chosen to lead instead of waiting for others to step up, he could have spared the preborn of Missouri the dark fate they face today.
The fight against Amendment 3 also fell short for many reasons. First, our opposition was greatly out spent with money pouring in from George Soros, Bill Gates, and Michael Bloomberg (as well as other out of state Billionaires.) Several groups did work to defeat the amendment, but there was lack of coordination and focus, especially early on. Also, we needed more from our Churches in the fight to defeat this evil amendment. While there were several Pastors that stepped up and worked hard to defeat Amendment 3, too many were silent on the measure.
Being actively involved in this fight, I do want to point out a bright spot and what gives me much hope for the future of our State. It was very frustrating to me trying to get the tools and information needed to get the truth about the amendment out via canvassing and making calls until a group of young people got involved. I would like to acknowledge a few of them here: Catherine Short, Carter Fortman, Zeke Spieker, and Amanda Wiley worked amazingly hard and effectively in organizing the push at the end to get the truth out to voters and defeat Amendment 3. I personally saw them turn around this fight and nearly defeat it. I am sure there were others that I didn’t have contact with that also played important roles, but I was so appreciative and impressed with these four and their efforts. These are the future leaders of our state and that gives me so much hope!
It was an eventful year in Missouri Politics, we saw the Grassroots grow in numbers and in strength this year. We had some great successes, such as the State Convention victories, but we also learned some tough lessons. We showed the GOP establishment that we can’t be ignored any longer or taken for granted. As we continue to unite our many groups around the state together, we will see even more victories in the coming year.
Act4MO.org is working on some major improvements to the site to prepare for the upcoming 2025 legislative session. We made some noise last year as we learned where we could be most effective, we intend to give every Missourian a way to make their voice heard in 2025 and beyond.